How it Started

REDTHRED was created out of a personal search to find purpose in my life.  Born the daughter of a dry cleaner, I developed a love of fashion early on, and my surroundings cultivated an instinctive knowledge of quality fabrics.  I briefly left my first love to study International Relations, but returned to major in Fashion Design, and quickly settled in a career working in LA’s Fashion District to be a part of producing styles for some of America’s top brands.  I loved everything about my job:  to be a part of the creative process and seeing them come to life in clothing.  However, a big part of me was still missing: my heart for humanitarian work.  


My whole world view changed after the births of my two children.  And when I would hear about the needs in the world, it touched me more personally.  I thought about what kind of world do I want to leave behind for them.  Could I even do anything? I wondered if I were to go into humanitarian work, would I have to give up fashion?  Or could these two passions be connected somehow?

And as I shared my struggle with friends, I learned that I was not alone. People from all different backgrounds devoting our efforts to use the very talents and skills we love, to serve others.  What I thought would be centered and focused in the fashion industry has come to encompass much more!

Our dream is that REDTHRED would be a platform for many of you to connect your passions to a cause that ignites your hearts.                                                                                                                                                               ~ Christine

REDTHRED was created out of a personal search to find purpose...
Our dream is that REDTHRED would be a platform for many of you to connect your passions to a cause that ignites your hearts.